Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All work and no play makes Jack a Jobless boy

What IITs actually doing to us?
Here is what happening now a days…with this Join IIT and Engineering fever which is running down with everyone, I was used to amused at it when it was happening in the urban areas but now not anywhere else but in The Hinterland of Marwar… the rural India or rahul gandhi’s other India??? No way!!!
My Brother called upon yesterday as his unit was organizing recruitment for Indian Army under sports Quota, the qualification is that the applicant required to be under 19-21 and must be holding a State level Sports certificate.
As he asked me if I know anyone out there, so as to inform them about this so they can get an opportunity to join Indian Army… but surprisingly my answer was No, that means I was too shocked to realize that I know nobody who holds a state level certificate despite of me hailing from a Martial race, where Sports is must, but… no one at all in my knowledge taken up sports in school time.
  I was not ready to accept this so I called upon my cousins and folks if there is someone in their knowledge who is into sports… but again that was a even bigger shocker, No one absolutely no one!!!

Then I realized where the problem lies… Most of guys here after completing the secondary and some with highly ambitious parents right from their 8th standard  get pushed to shun Sports and games to be marooned in the huge books of science and mathematics the PCM and PCB ki mcbc.
   This results in that, between School, homework, tuitions and forced self study there was no time for Jack to play.
So this Geekization of Jack resulted in what??
 No, He didn’t lend up in IITs or some big shot professional Universities … no sir not at all.
They all end up in local professional (shame) colleges … where they end up wasting their money, their talent and brains…. And if that was not enough the icing on cake is that they all are Jobless and know no way out of this deadlock of rejection.
Its not that these concerns are new… these are age old woes of students that what they get is only a raw deal from parents schools colleges and then from the Job providers.
I just hope that people specially parents will realize this flaw in entire Education system and prepare their kids accordingly. Its high time they wake up and think about it and don’t let it happen otherwise “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”


sudhashu pandey said...

intriguing thought....... all what had made everyone a part of the rat race.........

Bhadrajun said...

thanks and yups mindless rat race...